List of Coordinators

- Sapling Trees.
- How to be First
- Path of nature today’s youth
- Dust free Environment

Green development is the main theme of our Eco Club. In Association with Physical Educator, The sapling of plants was implemented around the College ground. Very Rev.Fr Secretary Dr. RDE Jerome, Principal Dr. A Peter Raj, PED Dr. Venugopal, All Department HOD’s , Prof. Balagurunathan A, Prof K Jayachandran, Prof S. Leo, and the Students have actively participated on 08/02/2019.

24/02/2020, Path of Nature – Today’s Youth. The Grand opportunity created by the Eco Club Association, in order to take the Ambrosian Students to nature through the Seminar. Pasumai Desam Mr. Rajendran an emerging Environmentalist, Social activists, was the special guest, Prinipal Dr. A Peter Raj felicitated, Prof. Balagurunathan A, quoted on welcoming, Prof. K Jayachandran thanked. Sincere gratitude to the students who gained plenty number of knowledge on path of nature through participation.