National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) - DATA TEMPLATES
Extended profile | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
1.1 | Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years |
List of courses |
2.1 | Number of students year wise during the last five years | List of students on rolls |
2.2 | Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/ State Govt. Rules during the last five years |
Seats earmarked as per Govt.Rules Reservation policy of the state Government |
2.3 | Number of outgoing/final year students during the last five years | List of outgoing students |
3.1 | Number of full time teachers during the last five years | List of full time teachers |
3.2 | Number of sanctioned posts during last five years |
Number of sanctioned posts Official letter of sanctioned posts |
4.1 | Total number of classrooms and seminar halls |
Document by competent authority |
4.2 | Total expenditure excluding salary during the last five years(in lakhs) |
Total Expenditure Audited statement of income and expenditure statement |
4.3 | Total number of computers in the campus for academic purpose |
Stock register |
CRITERION – I Curricular Aspects | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
1.1.3 | Number of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/ BoS and academic council during last five years |
Teachers involved in Curriculum development and assessment |
1.2.1 | Percentage of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system has been implemented |
CBCS and Elective Courses |
1.2.2 & 1.2.3 | Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/ Add-on programs as against the total number of students during the last five years |
Number of students enrolled in add-on programmes |
1.3.2 | Percentage of Courses undertaking field projects/internships |
Courses including project work/ internship |
1.3.3 | Percentage of students undertaking field projects/internships |
Students undertaking field projects/internships |
CRITERION – II Teaching-Learning and Evaluation | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
2.1.1 | Average enrolment percentage (Average of last five years) |
Students admitted and sanctioned seats |
2.1.2 | Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per applicable reservation policy during last five years |
Number of students admitted from reserved category |
2.4.1 | Average percentage of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years |
Faculty Sanctioned Strength and Experience |
2.4.2 | Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D. during the last five years |
List of faculty having Ph.D |
2.4.3 | Teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution |
Faculty details with Experience |
2.6.3 | Average pass percentage of Students |
Pass Percentage details |
2.7.1 | Online student satisfaction survey |
Students database |
CRITERION – III Research, Innovation and Extension | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
3.1.1 | Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government and the non-government sources such as industry, corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution year wise during last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
Grants received |
3.1.2 | Percentage of teachers recognised as research guides at present |
List of Research guides |
3.1.3 | Number of research projects per teacher funded by government and non government agencies during the last five years |
Number of research projects |
3.2.2 | Number of Workshops/ Seminars conducted on Research methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Entrepreneurship during the last five years |
Workshops/Seminars conducted |
3.3.1 | Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the last five years |
Number of scholars |
3.3.2 | Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years |
Publication in journals |
3.3.3 | Number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in national/international conference-proceedings per teacher during the last five years. |
Books/ Book chapters and Conference Proceedings |
3.4.1 | Extension Activities in the neighbourhood community in terms of impact and sensitizing students to social issues and holistic development during the last five years. |
Extension Activities carried out the neighbourhood community |
3.4.2 | Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government /recognised bodies during the last five years |
Awards/ recognition for extension activities |
3.4.3 | Number of extension and outreach Programmes conducted through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., such as Swachh Bharat, AIDs awareness, Gender issue etc. during last five years |
Extension activities conducted |
3.4.4 | Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government Organization, Non-Government Organizations and Programmes |
Extension activities participated |
3.5.1 | Number of collaborative activities for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, research, etc year-wise during the last five years | Number of collaborative activities |
3.5.2 | Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National/ International, other Institutions, Industries, Corporate houses etc., during the last five years (only functional MoUs with ongoing activities to be considered) |
List of activities MoUs |
CRITERION – IV Infrastructure and Learning resources | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
4.1.3 | Number of Class Rooms and Seminar Halls with ICT facilities |
Number of rooms with ICT facitlities |
4.1.4 | Average percentage of budget allocations, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years(INR in Lakhs) |
Expenditure statement |
4.2.2 | Does the institution have the following: 1.e-journals 2.e-ShodhSindhu 3.Shodhganga membersip 4.e-books 5.Databases |
Details of membership |
4.2.3 | Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) |
Annual Expenditure on books Audited Statement |
4.4.1 | Average expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, as a percentage during the last five years(INR in Lakhs) |
Expenditure on Maintenance Audited Statement |
CRITERION – V Student support and Progression | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
5.1.1 | Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government during last five years |
Government Scholarships |
5.1.2 | Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships etc. provided by the institution besides government schemes during the last five years |
Private Scholarships |
5.1.3 | Number of Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives |
CED programmes |
5.1.4 | Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the last five years |
Guidance for Competitive Examinations and Career Counselling |
5.2.1 | Average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years |
Placement Details |
5.2.2 | Percentage of student progression to higher education during the last five years |
Higher education details |
5.2.3 | Average percentage of students qualifying in state/national/ international level examinations during the last five years (eg: NET/SLET/GATE/ GMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State government examinations) |
Students Qualified |
5.3.1 | Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at University/state/national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one) during the last five years |
Awards and Medals for Outstanding Performance |
5.3.3 | Average number of sports and cultural activities/competitions participated at the institution level per year |
Students participation details |
5.4.2 | Alumni contribution during the last five years |
Alumni Contribution details |
CRITERION – VI Governance, Leadership and Management | ||
Metric No. | Metric details | Document |
6.2.3 | Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation 1. Administration 2. Finance and accounts 3. Student admission and support 4. Examination |
Vendor details |
6.3.2 | Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years |
Financial Support |
6.3.3 | Average number of professional development/administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last five years |
Training Programs Organized |
6.3.4 | Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/face-face Faculty Development Programs during the last five years |
Training Programs Attended |
6.4.2 | Funds/Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the last five years |
Funds received |
6.5.3 | Quality assurance initiatives of the institution include 1. Regular meeting of the IQAC 2. Collaborative quality initiatives 3. Participation in NIRF 4. ISO/ NBA |
Quality Initiatives |